ANKESH KUMAR MAURYA: What is the MHA’s (MInistry of Home Affairs) role in Border Management ?

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

What is the MHA’s (MInistry of Home Affairs) role in Border Management ?

India has a land border of over 15,000 KMs, which it shores with seven countries ( Pakistan , China, Bangladesh , Nepal, Myanmar, Bhutan , and Afghanistan ) . Further it has a coastline of 7,500 KMs.
The MHA is responsible for :
1.      Management of international lands and coastal borders.
2.      Strengthening of Border Guarding
3.      Creation of infrastructure such as roads, fencing, and lighting of borders.
Construction of border outposts is one of the components of infrastructure at border areas. The standing committee on Home Affairs (2017) noted that the proposal to construct 509 outposts along the India-Bangladesh Border and India-Pakistan Border had been reduced to 422 outposts in 2016. It recommended that such a reduction should be reconsidered since 509 outpost distsance to 3.5 KMs , which is important for the security of the country.

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