Monday, 30 March 2020

Leadership Style

The behaviour exhibited by a leader during supervision is known as leadership style. There are three types of leadership style.
1. Autocratic Style - It is also known as authoritarian style of leadership. In this style, the entire authority is concentrated in the hands of the leader and he decides all policies.
a. Boss Centered and Authoritarian
b. High Power Distance
c. Employees work hard when the leader is present.
d. New and inexperienced leaders tend to default to an autocratic style.
e. Complete Control on subordinates.
f. One way communication.
Example - In a factory ( because of uneducated workers ), Adolf Hitler also.
2. Democratic Style - It is also known as participative style. In this style, the leader allows to subordinates to participate in the decision making process. All policies and decisions are taken by such group discussions. There is decentralisation of authority and the communication flows freely and is multi-directional.
Features -
a. Take decisions after consultations.
b. Group Centered
c. Encourages participation of subordinates.
d. Provide freedom of thinking.
e. Seek inputs to make decisions.
Example - District Magistrate
3. Laissez- Faire Style ( Delegative Style) - It is also known as free rein of leadership. In this style, the leader gives full freedom to the subordinates in their functions. He allows them to set own goals and achieve them.
a. Works best with highly educated and motivated followers.
Example- If you're running a hospital and you've hired all the best surgeons then you will not suggest any surgeons about the surgery.
Summary - 
                                  Ankesh Kumar Maurya

Some Administrative Glossary in PDF

 Click below to view the Administrative Glossary in PDF Form - Administrative Glossary