AC Assembly Constituency
AMF Assured Minimum Facilities
ARO Assistant Returning Officer
ASD. AbsenteeShifted and DeadReRe
BAGs Booth level Awareness Groups
BDO. Block Development Officer
BEL Bharat Electronics Limited
BLO. Booth Level Officer
BU. Balloting Unit
CAPF Central Armed Police Force
CEO. Chief Electoral Officer
CPF Central Police Force
CSV Classified Service Voter
CU. Control Unit
DEO District Election Officer
ECI. Election Commission of India
ECIL Electronics Corporation of India Limited
EDC Election Duty Certificate
EPIC. Electors Photo Identity Card
ERO Electoral Registration Officer
ESPs Expenditure Sensitive Pockets
ETPB Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot
EVM Electronic Voting Machine
FLC First Level Checking
FS. Flying Squad
MCC. Model Code of Conduct
MCMC Media Certificate and Monitoring Committee
M2 Model 2
M3 Model 3
NOTA. None of the Above
PB. Postal Ballot
PC Parliamentary Constituency
PER. Photo Electoral Roll
PPS. Pink Paper Seal
PS Polling Station
PV. Proxy Voter
PVS. Photo Voter Slip
RO Returning Officer
SP Superintendent of Police
SST. Static Surveillance Team
SVEEP. Systematic Voter Education and Electoral Participation
VAB. Voter Assistance Booth
VCB VVPAT Counting Booth
VFP Voter Facilitation Poster
VVPAT Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail
VSDU. VVPAT Status Display Unit
AMF Assured Minimum Facilities
ARO Assistant Returning Officer
ASD. AbsenteeShifted and DeadReRe
BAGs Booth level Awareness Groups
BDO. Block Development Officer
BEL Bharat Electronics Limited
BLO. Booth Level Officer
BU. Balloting Unit
CAPF Central Armed Police Force
CEO. Chief Electoral Officer
CPF Central Police Force
CSV Classified Service Voter
CU. Control Unit
DEO District Election Officer
ECI. Election Commission of India
ECIL Electronics Corporation of India Limited
EDC Election Duty Certificate
EPIC. Electors Photo Identity Card
ERO Electoral Registration Officer
ESPs Expenditure Sensitive Pockets
ETPB Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot
EVM Electronic Voting Machine
FLC First Level Checking
FS. Flying Squad
MCC. Model Code of Conduct
MCMC Media Certificate and Monitoring Committee
M2 Model 2
M3 Model 3
NOTA. None of the Above
PB. Postal Ballot
PC Parliamentary Constituency
PER. Photo Electoral Roll
PPS. Pink Paper Seal
PS Polling Station
PV. Proxy Voter
PVS. Photo Voter Slip
RO Returning Officer
SP Superintendent of Police
SST. Static Surveillance Team
SVEEP. Systematic Voter Education and Electoral Participation
VAB. Voter Assistance Booth
VCB VVPAT Counting Booth
VFP Voter Facilitation Poster
VVPAT Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail
VSDU. VVPAT Status Display Unit