Sunday, 16 September 2018

Causes for the rise of Magadha Empire

1. Geographical Factors : -

*. Magadha was located on the upper and lower parts of the Gangetic valley .
*. It was located on the main land route between west and east India.
*. The area had fertile soil. It also received enough rainfall.
*. Magadha was encircled by rivers on three sides , the Ganga , the Son and the Champa making the region impregnable to enemies .
*. Both Rajgir and Pataliputra were located in strategic positions.
2. Economic Factors :-

*. Magadha had huge copper and iron deposits .
*. Because of its location , it could easily control trade .
*. Had a large population which could be used for agriculture , mining , building cities and in the army.
*. General prosperity of the people and the rulers.
*. The Mastery over Ganga meant economic hagemony .
*. Champa was important in trade South-Eastern Asia , Srilanka and south India .
3. Political Factors :-

*. Magadha was lucky to have many powerful and Ambitious rulers .
*. They had strong standing armies .
*. They were also the first kings to use elephants in the army .
*. The major kings also developed a good administrative system .

                                                                            Ankesh Kumar Maurya

Why Alexander Invaded on India ?

1. Alexander the Great decided to launch an invasion of India after inflicting the finishing blow on Emperor Darius III of Persia .
2. Alexander had conquered all the provinces of the Persian empire except the Indian satrapy of the Persian emperor . The Easy conquest of Persia and plunder of Persian wealth and treasures increased the desire of Alexander to invade India .
3. Alexander had conquered all the provinces of the Persian empire except the India satrapy of the Persian emperor. The easy conquest of Persia and plunder of Persian wealth and treasures increased the desire of Alexander to invade India.
4. The Indian satrapy paid to the persian emperor a tribute of 360 talents of gold dust. Alexander was attracted by the wealth and prosperity of India.
5. The Indian soldiers who fought under Xerxes in Greece had awakened great interest among Greeks about India. Curiosity , love of adventure and passion for conquest inspired Alexander to march to march to India .
6. An embassy from the king had sought Alexander's help against the neighbouring king Porus. Alexander became aware of internal rivalry among the indian rulers.
7. Alexander wanted to exceed the heroism shown by the mythetical heroes like Heracles.
8. The Geographers in Greek were puzzled for a long time about the extent of the Ocean. One of the objects of Alexander's campaign in India was to Solve the problem  by fixing the extent of ocean.


                                                                            Ankesh Kumar Maurya

Ankesh Kumar Maurya

Some Administrative Glossary in PDF

 Click below to view the Administrative Glossary in PDF Form - Administrative Glossary