Saturday, 13 July 2019

Returning Officer and His Duties & Responsibilities

Introduction - The Returning Officer has a pivotal role in election management. He/she is so called because he/she conducts the election in a constituency and returns elected candidate. A Returning Officer is responsible for overseeing the election in one constituency or sometimes in two, as directed by the Election Commission of India. 1.1.2 Under Section 21 and 22 of the R.P. Act, 1951, the Election Commission of India appoints the Returning Officer and Assistant Returning Officer for a constituency, in consultation with the State Governments and the Union Territories as the case may be.
Duties and Responsibilities - The duty of a Returning Officer is to efficiently conduct the election to the Assembly/ Parliamentary Constituency. This involves duties at various stages as follows:            a) to publish the notice regarding the election;
 b) to accept and scrutinize the nomination forms;
 c) to publish the affidavits of candidates
 d) to allot symbols to the contesting candidates;
 e) to prepare the list of contesting candidates;
 f) to print and dispatch postal ballot papers, to manage ETPBs;
 g) to print ballot papers with photograph of candidate for the EVM;
 h) to prepare the EVMs and VVPATs for the elections;
 i) to train polling personnel in all aspects, including use of EVMs with VVPATs;
 j) to depute Polling Officers to the polling booths with election materials;
 k) to supervise the functions of the Polling Officers in his/her AC/PC on Poll day;
 l) to ensure that the free and fair election;
 m) to designate the counting centres and get them approved by the Commission well in advance;
 n) to send notice to the candidates about the place, date and time of counting of votes;
 o) to appoint and train counting staff;
 p) to count the votes and declare the result. 1.3.2 Returning Officer will be given thorough training  regarding his/her various duties and responsibilities. Returning Officer must attend these trainings  and use the sessions for clarifying his/her doubts.

Some Administrative Glossary in PDF

 Click below to view the Administrative Glossary in PDF Form - Administrative Glossary