Wednesday, 21 November 2018



. It is Known as " Saptabhanginaya " or the seven forms of judgements.
. It expresses that knowledge on any object is relative and conditional in character .
. Syadavada = Dialectic of the seven steps.
. All the seven judgements of Syadavada together explain the complex nature of objects , known as  Anekantvada.
.Syadavada is derived from the word 'SYAT' . SYAT stands for " MAY Be " , "Perhaps" .
. This doctrine enunciates the synthetic view of reality.
. All these seven fold Judgements are emphasizing that our judgements on an object are relative in nature or character because they are based on our partial knowledge .
. Thus , instead of saying " The Grass is green ". We should say " Relatively speaking the grass is green. "
. 7 Fold Judgements -
i. Syat Asti ( Relatively a thing is real )
  e.g. - If it is said that Elephant is like a pillar , It would mean that elephant and pillars are like a special country , time and circumstances . There is No doubt in it .
ii. Syat Nasti ( Relatively a thing is unreal )
  e.g. - Elephant is not in this room .
iii. Syat asti ca nasti ( Relatively both real and unreal )
   e.g. - Elephant may or may not be similar to pillar.
iv. Syat Avaktavyam ( Relatively Indescribable )
   e.g. - Elephant may be as a pillar or as a rope or others.
v. Syat asti ca avaktavyam ( Relatively real & indescribable )
   e.g. - Elephant may be as rope but ambiguous .
vi. Syat nasti ca avaktavyam ( Relatively unreal and indescribable )
   e.g. - Elephant is not as a rope and we also don't know real.
vii. Syat asti ca nasti ca avaktavyam ( Relatively real ,unreal & indescribable )
   e.g. - Elephant may be or not as rope and we also don't know about real.

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