*Known as Dependent Origination.
*Doctrine of Central Teachings of Lord Buddha
*Pratitya+Samutpada = Pratityasamutpada
*Pratitya = Getting
*Samutpada = Arising
* It means the production of an effect out of a complement of cause and condition.
* Nothing is Spontaneous.
*Everything that happens in the mental or physical world is dependent on something.
*The existence of everything is conditional,dependent on some cause.
* Depending on the cause , the effect arises
* Pratityasamutpada = Middle Path of Saswatvada(Principle of Eternity) and Uchedavada(Principle of Annihilation)
*A/Saswatavada- Somethings are eternal. They have no beggining or end. They are uncaused and do not depend on anything else.
*A/Uchedavad- Nothing remains after the destruction of things.
*The origin of a thing is owing to another.
*Nothing is Unconditional.
*The existence of everything depends on some condition.
* In 2nd Noble Truth ( Cause of Suffering or Dukkha Samudaya)
* Bhava is the cause of the life after death.
* 12 links in the chain of causation or casual wheel of dependent origination.
* 12 Sources( Dvadasa Nidana).
*The 12 links of Interdependent Origination are believed to be the Mechanism by which rebirth occur and the cycle of Samsara is continued. It is through extinction of Ignorance through Prajna(Wisdom) that the 12 links of Interdependent Origination are extinguished.
*Doctrine of Central Teachings of Lord Buddha
*Pratitya+Samutpada = Pratityasamutpada
*Pratitya = Getting
*Samutpada = Arising
* It means the production of an effect out of a complement of cause and condition.
* Nothing is Spontaneous.
*Everything that happens in the mental or physical world is dependent on something.
*The existence of everything is conditional,dependent on some cause.
* Depending on the cause , the effect arises
* Pratityasamutpada = Middle Path of Saswatvada(Principle of Eternity) and Uchedavada(Principle of Annihilation)
*A/Saswatavada- Somethings are eternal. They have no beggining or end. They are uncaused and do not depend on anything else.
*A/Uchedavad- Nothing remains after the destruction of things.
*The origin of a thing is owing to another.
*Nothing is Unconditional.
*The existence of everything depends on some condition.
* In 2nd Noble Truth ( Cause of Suffering or Dukkha Samudaya)
* Bhava is the cause of the life after death.
* 12 links in the chain of causation or casual wheel of dependent origination.
* 12 Sources( Dvadasa Nidana).
*The 12 links of Interdependent Origination are believed to be the Mechanism by which rebirth occur and the cycle of Samsara is continued. It is through extinction of Ignorance through Prajna(Wisdom) that the 12 links of Interdependent Origination are extinguished.