Current scenario of rural areas - The Rabi crops stood for harvest in many fields. There are totally unemployment in the whole country for the informal workers. Reverse migration to village is continuing. There are no sources of income. There is huge lack of transportation. Vegetables are rotting. There is much starvation. People don't have money to buy minimum essential commodities for their families. The rates of the farm industries are very low due to lack of sellings. Health problem is another issue for the rural areas. Maximum PHCs and other government health institutions are in very bad conditions. People are totally unemployed and hoping for the financial and nutritional aids from the government.
Solutions to reduce the Problems - We can't totally dwindle the problems of rural areas but we can give them some aids . Government can start the MGNREGA with proper safety. District administration can engage the SHGs in the production of Masks and Sanitizers. When the male members of the family are unemployed then the female members of the family can earn Livelihoods with the Self Help Groups. Government can distribute the relief measures under the Disaster management and provide free ration through PDS. SHGs and ASHA workers can aware the people through IEC materials in rural areas where the literacy rate is low. The another effort towards the nutrition is that MDM and Anganwadi Meals can be provided through home delivery to the Children and Pregnant Mothers to get atleast one meal a day.
Conclusion - Before going to conclusion, It is notable that COVID-19 is a global pandemic and it will be only prevented by social Distancing. There are many difficulties which the rural people are facing. Government has declared many types of aids and supports to them but It will be success when the Implementation will be very fast and in a good manner.